How I Increased My PR — And You Should Follow The Same!
Determining a 1 rep maximum (1RM) for a specific lift is a commopracticese among lifters. Using percentages to compute working intensities while starting a program is undoubtedly part of your routine, whether you’re exercising for power, size, or force. Here is how I did it if you’re interested in raising your 1RM.
You just have to lift substantial weight to improve at lifting heavy weights, which is where things are going to seem familiar. You must train near your 1RM to improve it. In my training, I’ve had success repeating sets of repetition maxes or exercises that are very close to rep maxes. Attempting four sets of five repetitions around 80%, with 2 to 5 minutes of rest between each set. Theoretically, 80% is less intense than 5RM. The real crusher, though, is set five, when you’ll utilize the same load for the most reps possible.
I’ll continue doing four sets of five reps over the coming weeks, raising the intensity gradually through 80% to 90%, and always finishing with a set to failure. I’ll look at how many reps I could complete at 90% at the end of this 3- to 4-week cycle and input that data back into my 1RM calculator. Even if it’s only by five pounds, if it shows my predicted 1RM increased from my initial computation, I’ll make the necessary adjustments and utilize that figure as my new benchmark for the following training peri...
I’ll reduce the reps to four in my subsequent cycle and follow the identical steps as before. Usually, I’ll start at 90% because, if I change my training max, this is almost certainly a greater load than I’ve ever used. After then, it’s life as normal: 4 rounds of three repetitions, followed by a fifth rep till failure.
Lastly, there are a few little adjustments one should apply to the routine to help improve the 1RM and get yourself ready to lift some hefty objects. For the bench press, simply load the bar up, unrack it, hold it for a brieperiodme (while a spotter is present), and then rerack it. To lock out and hold the bar for deadlifts, simply stand up after loading it on boxes or safety racks at mid-thigh. Unrack it, exit the area, and stand there for squatting. This familiarisation can help you get greater maximum numbers.