Why Natural Bodybuilding is Tough

Shaurya Sharma
2 min readFeb 23, 2022


All of us come across people with big and bulky physiques on a daily basis, especially if we enter a gym. Achieving a 16-inch bicep or 50-inch chest seems like an enormous task, but many lifters are able to achieve this feat. With the increase in fitness-related content on the internet, we now know a thing or two about how numerous individuals seek the help of anabolics or steroids to build a ripped and buffed body. While consistent hard work and hard dieting are absolutely necessary even if you chose to go on steroids, there are a lot of risks of talking about anabolics and steroids, like low testosterone levels, hair fall, impotency, acne, etc. Now you might think why don’t bodybuilders stay away from steroids, or opt for a natural path of bodybuilding when they know they will still have to put a high amount of effort even after the use of anabolics.

There is one major reason, which is known as ‘Muscle Protein Synthesis.’ The process by which our body breaks down the protein we eat into muscles is called muscle protein synthesis. Everyone has a limited capacity for this process, which means no matter how much protein you eat or how heavy you lift, there is a limit as to how much muscle you can gain. The use of steroids pushes that limit by a huge margin, so after using anabolics, your body will no longer have the upper threshold as to how much muscle it can put on, and you will be able to gain numerous KGs in a matter of months.

The second huge reason is the concept of lean muscle gain. As natural bodybuilders, while you are gaining muscle, your body will automatically gain fat due to the caloric surplus, which is normal. And to look shredded and ripped, you will then have to lose that fat for that muscle to be visible. This process of first gaining and then leaning down might be slow for some. On the other hand, there are some steroids that will not let your body gain fat while putting on lean muscle.

These are 2 of many reasons why bodybuilders use anabolics and steroids, but it is necessary to understand that their risk outweighs their result, and I do not recommend anybody to take any form of enhancers to build a better physique.



Shaurya Sharma

Pop culture whiz. Social Media junkie. Web guru. Unapologetic Trash TV connoisseur. I write more than I read. Talk to me about all things Tech.